We left Sanlúcar de Barramedu to go towards our third and final hotel in Algeciras. But after we arrived and left our luggage in our room, we got back into our car and drove towards Gibraltar. We drove all the way up – or at least until we weren’t allowed to go any further, turned around and got lucky when searching for a parking place. We went further by foot and payed to enter the Upper Rock Nature Reserve. We were a bit sad, because everywhere around the Upper Rock you had sunshine but on top of the rock… there were only shadows and clouds :(. When you enter the Nature Reserve, you get a map with you with all the viewpoints. That way you get to go to the place where most of the famous monkeys (Barbary macaques) are hanging around. Although they were funny, I kind of didn’t trust them. And you shouldn’t. They take everything they can and run away with it! so hold no to sunglasses, cameras and cellphones :-). Another ‘must-see’ is St.-Michael’s Cave. When you first enter, it kind of looks like… well nothing special: there’s a huge room filled with seats and a podium. But when you walk further inside the cave you get to see some amazing views. There’s also a game of lights and music that makes everything rather special. There’s also a Moorish Castle you can visit, although it’s not as spectacular as I thought it would be …
There are a few other things to be seen or do. You can take a cable car, or a bus, … to the Upper Rock and back down. We did it all by foot and it was… hard and tiring :-). But at least we did have a good night’s rest when we got back to our hotel!