Would we all like to know? I think winning the lottery would help a lot!
But most people don’t win the lottery. Either way, if I do or don’t win it, I still want to reach my goal: the big 100!
So here’s the list of the countries I still have to/ want to visit to reach my goal:

  1. Malta
  2. San Marino (even the little ones count!)
  3. Serbia
  4. Montenegro
  5. Turkey
  6. Slovenia
  7. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  8. Liechtenstein
  9. Greece
  10. Iceland
  11. Slovakia
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Egypt
  14. Cyprus
  15. Russia
  16. Estonia
  17. Latvia
  18. Lithuania
  19. Belarus
  20. Moldavia
  21. Argentina
  22. Chili (which includes the Easter Islands)
  23. Canada
  24. Mexico
  25. Guatemala
  26. Honduras
  27. Belize
  28. Ecuador (which includes the Galapagos islands)
  29. Colombia
  30. Costa Rica
  31. Nicaragua
  32. Panama
  33. Peru
  34. Bolivia
  35. Brazil
  36. Cuba
  37. Venezuela
  38. The Bahama’s
  39. Suriname
  40. Lesotho
  41. Namibia
  42. Botswana
  43. Zambia
  44. Kenya
  45. Tanzania
  46. Uganda
  47. Ethiopia
  48. Mozambique
  49. Swaziland
  50. Zimbabwe
  51. Madagascar
  52. Mauritius
  53. The Seychelles
  54. Australia
  55. New Zealand
  56. French Polynesia (cf. Bora Bora)
  57. Japan
  58. Nepal
  59. India
  60. Bhutan
  61. Vietnam
  62. China
  63. Taiwan
  64. Myanmar
  65. Indonesia
  66. Singapore
  67. Israel
  68. Jordanian

Still got a lot to do. I thank the person who invented combinations. Because I will have to combine a lot of the countries if I want to reach my goal before I die.
Fingers crossed I say :-).